The Simulator Room as you've never seen it before! The walls are painted, the electrics tested, and the ceiling is up and plastered.
Yet there's no time to stop...attention is turned to the second loft space above the west-end of the Panel.
Here's the result - all the insulation is completed, with one of the father & son team posing proudly by their efforts.
Meanwhile, electrician David continues to finalise the wiring in the early signalling area, in readiness for fitments.
The front entrance continues to progress, the latest addition being the rather smart reclaimed railway lamppost on the right...looks like yet more work for David and fellow electricians!
Inside the Bristol East Panel room, the lamp body awaits its turn to be restored to working order.
In the same day as the insulation being completed, the plasterboard is up to complete the second loft space - fantastic work!
A taste of what's to come: in one day, the suspended ceiling grid is fitted to the Swindon Panel room.
From another angle, some ceiling tiles are already shown in final position - shows just how far we've all come.
The rest of the ceiling tiles remain carefully stored, as installing the lighting fitments will come first.
Now for some panoramic trickery! From a vantage point next to the window, the extent of the ceiling grid can be seen.
They say the camera never lies...yet, don't worry, the ceiling grid isn't bowed! Another panoramic shot from behind the Panel, looking towards the Bristol East Panel room.
The new roller shutter is installed behind the front doors, and is tested in situ.
Let there be light! (1) - GWS electrician David Brown test fits the first LED fitment to the Panel Room suspended ceiling.
Let there be light! (2) - Stephen Lear admires the latest loft installation.
The second loft space (above the east end of the panel) is similarly fitted, meaning both loft spaces are nearly completed - excellent work!
The main row of lights, which will sit directly above the Panel frontage, are installed prior to moving the panel to its final position.
In readiness for the move, equipment and materials in store behind the panel are moved forward...just a few trips up to the new loft then!