Swindon Panel Preservation Photo Gallery

Photgraphic archive of Swindon Panel and the Swindon Panel Society

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David Johnston

David Johnston 2 small.jpg 19 February 2020 1 small (1)ThumbnailsDavid Slater, Member No 300

We entertained our newly-elected Member of Parliament, David Johnston, today. He became our MP at the General Election in December. He was given a tour of the Railway Centre by Chief Executive Emma Jhita and Great Western Society Chairman Richard Preston, who also explained our plans for future development to him.

David Johnston's constituency, Wantage, includes the towns of Didcot and Wallingford in the east, and in the west extends through the Vale of White Horse towards Swindon. This area is covered by the east end of Swindon Panel and the second photo shows him at that end of the panel diagram, with the Uffington goods loops prominent.