Swindon Panel Preservation Photo Gallery

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Home / Albums Panel Reconstructionx + 7-10 April 2016 - Kemble Domino Repairsx /

Another key moment, as Laurence Stant completes the wiring-in of the final Printed Circuit Board (PCB) - a lasting testament to all those SPS members who gave up their time to solder all 350 of them!

WP_20180607_17_01_07_Pro.jpg With kind permission from Network Rail, 50 base units and associated fitments are recovered from the old Stoke Gifford panel at Bristol PSB by Tom Yardley; note the 'Out Of Use' lights illuminated.ThumbnailsAnother key moment, as Laurence Stant completes the wiring-in of the final Printed Circuit Board (PCB) - a lasting testament to all those SPS members who gave up their time to solder all 350 of them!

Another key moment, as Laurence Stant completes the wiring-in of the final Printed Circuit Board (PCB) - a lasting testament to all those SPS members who gave up their time to solder all 350 of them!