Swindon Panel Preservation Photo Gallery

Photgraphic archive of Swindon Panel and the Swindon Panel Society

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Home / Albums Panel Reconstructionx + 20 July 2016 - New Domino Top Platesx /

The odd surprise while cleaning: behind one of the rear covers, just discernible in the dust, is the downbeat message 'We're not going anywhere'; the same certainly can't be said of SPS!

20180525_205728.jpg With Jamie's completed sanding and re-varnishing (needing several coats, of course!), Steve Gwinnett re-attaches the train describer plates to the front of the panel.ThumbnailsThe panel is shown having been wheeled back towards the rear wall, ensuring we've enough space in the future for easy maintenance, tooling, etc.

The odd surprise while cleaning: behind one of the rear covers, just discernible in the dust, is the downbeat message 'We're not going anywhere'; the same certainly can't be said of SPS!