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57306028 422339778522577 4078919291276099584 n
57321593 2138619486222432 3959427605974745088 n
57418966 2345536622328608 8575731568943824896 n
The completed suspended ceiling (with one tile temporarily removed for access) - fantastic!
Taken a mere ten days before the Grand Opening, the Swindon Panel Box plate is seen in its final position, with the home signal waiting to greet our first visitors!
GWS Civil Engineering Manager demonstrates the fully fitted-out double doors, set of keys in hand!
The Frome North Box plate is mounted to the wall, joining the growing number of restored Brunel Room exhibits.
Another great moment, as the reclaimed GW doors for the panel room are installed, with some fitments already in evidence.
Not to be forgotten, the panel room suspended ceiling is pushed ever closer to completion, courtesy of Jamie Karslake.
Around the corner, a final view of the finished side walkway, complete with air-conditioning equipment (well-hidden from most views by the carefully-placed wall section on the left).
David Brown and Richard Beacham tackle the installation of conduit through the lamp post, which will illuminate the way into the new centre.
An updated building front entrance view, as fencing and railing posts continue to be worked upon.
With the lamp post in shot, the sandbag wall for the air-raid shelter steps is rebuilt around the new electrics cabinet.
The Bristol Room's well-disguised air-conditioning unit is also installed.
Danny Scroggins carries DRC Civil Engineering Manager Richard Antliff across the newly-created threshold into the Swindon Panel room!
Building works continue apace, as does work on the installation of new exhibits - these broad-gauge relics really do look the part!
Excellent restoration is evident on these reclaimed GW doors, in readiness for their installation as our panel room external access doors.
The result of very careful planning and design work, the new air conditioning units in the panel room are installed...
...which in turn are linked into the building management system to keep us all cosy (especially in March!).
As if the double doors weren't enough for the GWS volunteers, the simulator room's door is intalled, and just awaits some final fittings.
With the air-conditioning units in, surrounding ceiling tiles start to be installed, having been cut to size accordingly.
New boards are fabricated and painted, ready for future displays.
A view from the entrance foyer into the 'Brunel Room', as newly-redundant scaffolding makes its way out of the building.
Meanwhile, in the 'Bristol Room', Chris Chalet of the GWS Bristol Group continues the hard work of preparing the Bristol East Panel interactive exhibit - good stuff!
The panel room double doors' lintel is expertly fashioned.
More restored exhibits take their place in the Brunel Room.
Ever more ceiling tiles become fitted in place, with the 1980s panel room atmosphere truly starting to take shape.
The previously-seen display boards are fitted into their final positions, with the displays themselves well underway.
Let there be light! (1) - GWS electrician David Brown test fits the first LED fitment to the Panel Room suspended ceiling.
Let there be light! (2) - Stephen Lear admires the latest loft installation.
The second loft space (above the east end of the panel) is similarly fitted, meaning both loft spaces are nearly completed - excellent work!
The main row of lights, which will sit directly above the Panel frontage, are installed prior to moving the panel to its final position.
In readiness for the move, equipment and materials in store behind the panel are moved forward...just a few trips up to the new loft then!
The new roller shutter is installed behind the front doors, and is tested in situ.
They say the camera never lies...yet, don't worry, the ceiling grid isn't bowed! Another panoramic shot from behind the Panel, looking towards the Bristol East Panel room.
Now for some panoramic trickery! From a vantage point next to the window, the extent of the ceiling grid can be seen.
The rest of the ceiling tiles remain carefully stored, as installing the lighting fitments will come first.
From another angle, some ceiling tiles are already shown in final position - shows just how far we've all come.
A taste of what's to come: in one day, the suspended ceiling grid is fitted to the Swindon Panel room.
In the same day as the insulation being completed, the plasterboard is up to complete the second loft space - fantastic work!
Inside the Bristol East Panel room, the lamp body awaits its turn to be restored to working order.
The front entrance continues to progress, the latest addition being the rather smart reclaimed railway lamppost on the right...looks like yet more work for David and fellow electricians!
Meanwhile, electrician David continues to finalise the wiring in the early signalling area, in readiness for fitments.
Here's the result - all the insulation is completed, with one of the father & son team posing proudly by their efforts.
Yet there's no time to stop...attention is turned to the second loft space above the west-end of the Panel.
The Simulator Room as you've never seen it before! The walls are painted, the electrics tested, and the ceiling is up and plastered.
With electronics work pushed on, time for a good tidy-up! Peter cleans while Paul tightens the supporting framework post-panel move forward
With cleaning done, Peter seals the remaining concrete floor space that was under the panel, while Paul reattaches 8-core cables to repaired circuit boards...watch out for that wet floor behind you Paul!
Just a little bit of sealing remaining at the front of the panel, to be completed the following evening...then a careful panel move backwards remains
General exterior view
The long view - Nov 2017
General view of front of panel
Rear of the panel
Rear of the panel
General view of panel room
General exterior view from rear
General exterior view from rear
General view of building - front
Outside, plenty of progress has been made restoring the air-raid shelter (the panel being behind the wall to the right)
The restoration, aided by Network Rail volunteers, has greatly improved the appearance of the site & the access to the signalling building...
...with the front doors now in place & operational...if only we could change our habit & not keep walking to the back door!
Inside the panel room, more electrics have been installed, which will control panel power.
More works outside give definition to the entrance path; note the completed front window
Paul tackles the shelving move, cleaning & tidying our stocks; this will help allow the panel to be moved backwards to its final position in due course
Front doors almost in place
With the Panel behind the external wall to the right, substantial restoration works to the air raid shelter are evidenced here.
...then smooths the concrete to the desired finish; a good job well done!
Richard (GWS's Civil Engineering Manager), having put in place some complex shuttering, pours the concrete for the front double-door sill...
Building works continue, with the two loft areas receiving their flooring.
As the flooring is completed, the electricians begin to install the required conduit for lighting, alarms, etc.
Outside, the new pathway boundary wall takes shape, with further works on the air-raid shelter (extreme left) also continuing apace.
Meanwhile, the Bristol Group install the first lamps back into their Bristol East panel - can you spot them among all that daylight?
Behind the panel, John installs the first PCB into Rack 1, the final rack to receive them - well done that man!
There's still plenty of tag block work to complete, yet Jamie's rapid soldering skills mean that Swindon Station is getting ever closer.
More installation & fault-finding in progress, with Danny to the fore!
The computer desk comes into its own as panel testing continues...
...whilst Peter gets to grips with making as many power jumper cables for the PCBs as possible.
Further PCB installation, with the end of the panel very much in sight - Jerry carefully threads the ribbon cable down towards the correct socket on the TC64 units.
Looking out through the front doors
Loft space above Swindon Room
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A test of the now-attached manual levers, controlling two semaphores for visitors to try their hand at.
Further building electrics being installed
The front entrance path progresses...
...whilst the side path, seen here from the rear of the signalling building, is all but complete - excellent work!
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